Difficult Discussions about Divorce.
Your textbook conveys the technical terms.
Without A Chair, as a companion, illustrates them.
The Workshop takes the discussion to a whole other level!
As we walk through aspects of Gil’s childhood & adolescence in and tie them to actions and reactions throughout his lifespan, we hope this prompts you to examine the impact of divorce on the development of a child and how this profound trauma creates a new life trajectory for an individual that otherwise would not have existed.
By bringing together real-life emotion with the underlying psychology, you will gain an ability to go deeper than just beneath the surface and evaluate your own upbringing in light of the relationships to which you were exposed and how they have influenced your current understanding of marriage.
Influencers have always, and will always, be everywhere.
For an adolescent; family, friends, school, and work, along with the transitions that occur during each of these areas serve as the backdrop to where thought processes ripen. Therefore, identity, autonomy, intimacy and achievement take shape as a function of development. Each of these pieces of the puzzle is explored in a module which uses Gil’s self-assessment as a starting point toward a deeper understanding of why relationship partners behave the way they do.
The Parts Are Integral To The Whole
Do you know your role within your family?
Do you understand how your role affects and / or is affected by other’s roles?
Would your role be the same if your parents were married or divorced?
Are your friendships based on similarities or dissimilarities?
Are you drawn to / away from certain people because of your / their family history?
Did your parent’s marital status affect your popularity?
There were social and academic factors that influenced the size of the college you attended. Were there also emotional factors?
Do you think your parents’ marital status influenced what size school you chose?
Did you feel a stronger sense of belonging at school than at home?
Did you view a job or participation in an extra-curricular activity as a means to an end?
What was the motivation for participating in an extra-curricular activity or having a job?
Did your parents’ marital status influence any decision between the two?
Did your parents decide whether you would get a job or participate in extra-curriculars or did you at least feel as though they chose?
Has society defined you according to your parent’s marital status?
Were major milestones in your life affected by your family dynamics?
Has your parent’s marital status affected the length and / or timing of any transition from adolescence to emerging adulthood?
Thought Process
Did your parents’ marital status speed up or delay your ability to cognitively improve?
Did thoughts of abstract terms like love or commitment come from watching your friends or family?
Did self-reflection lead to different thoughts, actions and / or behaviors?
Has your identity been affected by your family dynamics?
Has the process of discovering who you are been sped up or delayed by your parents’ marital status?
Did you feel you had the freedom to explore who you are?
If you say you’ll never get divorced, what does this actually mean?
Do you understand what power you do and don’t have in a relationship?
Has your parents use and / or misuse of power within their relationship influenced your understanding of what power you do and don’t have in a relationship?
You know your partners background. You have a connection. Do you understand their attachment style and where it came from… How well do you really know them?
Do you know your attachment style and understand why it is what it is?
Did you ever learn to trust and are you truly trustworthy in making a lifelong commitment?
Do you simply acquire the skills to perform in a relationship from watching your parents and / or siblings or do you need to actively learn them?
Does society place more pressure on you to succeed in a career or in a marriage?
What’s more important to you and are you willing to do whatever it takes to achieve?
Copyright © 2022 David Schel & Dr. Julie Campbell. All rights reserved.